Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Longest Goodbye

Ever wondered how, out of the blues, your day lights up like a thousand suns?  When the moments are long gone, you are left with a wide smile across your face? What else could be the reason if not the people you spend your time with?  

It's always a very harsh goodbye when you are leaving someone after sharing a lifetime worth of memories. Off you go, unsure if you're ends are gonna meet someday. I wasn't much of a believer in keeping touch through technology even after I parted ways with someone. Strange that I thought I imperceptibly vanish out of their lives like a ghost. Both of us think that we have moved on and the connection breaks apart. I tamper with life like it's child's play and I subsequently start over. Like a calamity wiping out an entire area full of life. Snap. Like the clean slate protocol that I command my ever intelligent J.A.R.V.I.S. to do i.e. if I have one. Well I reached my vicious goodbye cycle once again not so long ago. Like every other time, I was about to do a reboot I admit.

"..the older you get the more people disappear and that's how it works. One day you are missing the company of someone and then the next day you'll remember a little less that they're gone. You adapt to the change and it doesn't make you a bad person to move on. That's life and that's just how people are."

- R.M. Drake 

At this moment, I'm at the beginning of a defining chapter of my journey. A break-through of sorts!!! What follows will send ripples and shock-waves across the timeline of events that occurred for the past six or seven years of my life. While I embark on this next episode, I wish to stop the spinning clocks for a moment to acknowledge the individuals who shaped the things that led to the future I'm off to pursue and the impact their friendship has on me, taking this post as an opportunity. 

Sure we'll have our goodbyes. Not just yet. Not now. After a while you begin to anticipate them. With the time we've got, I just want to wish you well. Best of luck for your future endeavors. I will miss out on two years of your life or may be longer but be darn sure that we will sit down on a bench and talk about it. Well, world is a small place. I know that we will have plenty of stories to tell. May be we could paint the town red. This picture below is carved out of the moments we shared. 


 This is Anirudh signing off. Goodbye. See you soon. Peace.