Monday, February 7, 2011

The Power of Will - My Inner Perception

I cavalierly started to read an article. As I went along the course of it, I began to feel that i was being dragged into the story and my mind got triggered like the spark in a fire cracker. I thought that i should share it with people. So here I am narrating this august story.
Naga Naresh Karutura was born in Teeparru, a small village in Andhra pradesh on the banks of the river Godavari. His father was a lorry driver and mother
was a house wife. He had an elder sister and though their parents were illiterates they enrolled them in school, took care of them and the father taught him his lessons. Like children of his age, Naresh had prolific playtimes and he used to pluck flowers with thorns which he enjoyed and cherished. He felt solemn wonder while playing with his pals. It seems that he would run away to the fields if he was accused of some mischievous activity in the locale. He would sleep on the teachers lap after finishing the work and was compliant in his childhood.

On January 11 1993 , Naresh, his sister and their mother were returning home after some family function. They had to hitch-hike the conveyance of a friend and thats where destiny played its obnoxious game. Naresh was sitting besides the door and he was fidgeting with the door latch. The door unfastened, inspite of the bastion he fell and his legs got atrophied. He was bedridden as his intestine got twisted and docs told him that he was abstained from walking. 

His life didnt change dramatically after he lost his legs. He asserted that he believed in the almighty and God had better plans for him. This was instrumental in making him the winningest. The family moved in to a town where he did his rest of the schooling. His sister was enrolled in the same class as she could take care of her brother in need. 

After his tenth grade he was put in residential school and there he was inspired by a senior who took IIT-JEE exams. Naresh worked hard forgetting about the indignation that happened to him and came out 4th among the physically impaired. He pursued computer science in IIT-Madras feeling privileged to interact with renowned scholars and his never-ending progression brought forth success in life. Naresh, a son of a lorry driver was recruited by Google R&D and he proved to world that the power of will can take one to greater heights. 

Back in the reality, I was pushed to the edge of the seat. I realised a new inception and a righteous future right in my hands. As the proverb says "A silent sea never made a skillful sailor" I decided to set sail along the path of most resistance.

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