Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Reasons to Move On

I don’t want to transcend this period of my life. These four years have taught me more than what I was meant to learn from the day I stepped into this world. Like metal, I was melted, broken and forged into a new being. Stepping out from my comfort zone really made me discover myself. It was cold and treacherous at first. But beyond those gates of despair lied the most tranquil and eternal life. I was able to clearly view the mess I made out of my life and bring some sense to it. There are a whole lot of things I wish I should change in the future yet it makes me want to live those moments once again.  

While I began to dig deeper, there were lots of dirt around me. Every now and then, I won gold. Those valuable, priceless pieces of lessons I was taught. I discovered my potential on countless occasions. Be it photography, be it music, I never knew I had the abilities earlier. But I felt uncomfortable during the initial few days. Every time I wanted to do something new, I got weird feelings and I dropped it off. It all takes a try. It doesn’t cost anything. So, try moving out of your zone and you will have a strong will made of titanium when you begin to do the things that you want to do but makes you uncomfortable. You will have a less mediocre life too.  We ought to grow up today to be a better person than the kind of person we were. Win over yourself.   

Life had plenty of surprises and I was walking to a place I have never seen before. There were plenty of people around me to hit my head and tell me what I had been doing was wrong. With a poker face, I was reluctant to listen to them and I wanted to make punch bags out of everyone. Most of them were a bit harsh but the way I see it now, they had given me heedful instructions. I think that I’m meant to learn things in the hard way. Exploring music in between all the chaos was like quenching in the barren lands of a desert.

I never stopped laughing when I was with my buddies back at college. I did insane things with them realising that if I let go those moments, I might not get time to rendezvous in the future and will definitely regret in the years to come. I had people to give me a hand when I was let down and gradually, I was comfortable with reality. Lived it off like life was meant to be aimlessly stridden. I wished that I would pass out holding on to these memories.

Eventually things were stirred up and I was blamed for living a purposeless, futile life. My own conscience began to shake my world. I had been making dramatic changes in me after going through a lot. I was having a perfect life that I refused to move on. I became so much abulic to step forward and was labelled a loafer.

 I had to retrospect to realise that I had been only savouring the journey and there has to be a destination. Right through my life, I have never performed impossible feats and I understood that it’s about balancing both extremes. Enjoying the journey whilst aiming for the pinnacle is the key. Greatness lets you have a more satisfying life with an ultimate purpose. Moving along the herd will only let you have an ordinary life and so you gotta stand out in a crowd. People will say,” He came, he lived and he left”. Scribe out the things you think you should achieve in life so that in the death bed you have fewer things to regret about and you should live in such a way that your life influenced others’ living. Life’s worth a try folks!! And you’ve got only one chance.  Be the best of what you can be. Strive to achieve something in life that makes others think that you stood up for greatness.

In the present day, I live on. I choose the way of the water. No matter how much you obstruct its path, it still slides in above or between. Even when disturbed, takes its original shape. I’m gathering the risks which I refused to take even after knowing that it would help me reach the peak and I vow myself that I will be above all this chaos one day. It’s time to get back in the game FASTER and STRONGER!!! 


  1. Going with flow is rule of life:-) nice reading.

  2. Amazing, sounds great. Also please help me to blog I am new to write blogs. please check out my blog and give your suggestions. Want to make my blog as yours............

    1. Thanks a lot man! am just an amateur :) get more of urself into ur blog and u ll end up with an amazing blog :) good luck on that :)

  3. Bravo Anirudh..!! Keep Writing buddy.. yeah you're a great écrivain :)
