Sunday, June 8, 2014

Excerpt from an unposted letter

The journey from just an acquaintance to sharing the same quarters of the heart, was so dramatic and eventful. But I wasn't prepared to write about it until now. Guessed there was perennial lament already written all over it. As much as I'd wanted to express earlier, but too many boils spoils the broth. I have locked it in a trinket box which I threw long ago out in the ocean. I reach out whenever I needed it. I need it now. 

A mere glimpse would only give subtle hints but if you look hard enough, you can salvage tons of beautiful memory that shaped my very temperament. Sure it had grey unending melancholy but it had its moments. Like a light at the end of the tunnel, I was always piloted back home. I wore it like armor, unafraid to show the world who I truly was and ready to face the million arrows that was about to pierce through. The jagged pathways of self-discovery were seamless as the world became more habitable. As esteemed as the honor, one fights to attain, it made me tread with my head held high.      

This is an impeccable time to start over as the waves wash away my footprints and the aqueous sand gets back to it's primitive state. The words I carved during the course of this sojourn will guide me through till the end. Though circumstances will try to wipe them away, the impression lasts on forever. 

I promise. I promise to make plenty of endeavors like this in the future, to break new walls and to stare at the sun shine. When each night fades away, days will always be brighter than yesterday. I promise to send more postcards with vivid pictures of a perfectly painted life. I promise to make every second count collecting instances of joy and not regrets. I promise not to forget anything and if I'm lucky, the stars will live to tell my tale.    

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