Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Whereabouts of a Wayfarer - Part 2

A word from the writer: The travelogue's narrative goes back and forth. Please pay attention to the location and dates for a better reading experience. Just being experimental. Thank you for your time. 

The Ghost Town and the Yellow Sweater:

Long Beach, New York.
May 30, 2016

As if the whole town was cast in some sorta spell, Long Beach was all gloomy and swallowed by fog reminiscent of my times in Fort Bragg, California. The deserted streets were reflecting signs of horror rather than a nice and hippy beach town. Nobody could have heard me scream my lungs out if someone had stabbed me in the alley. It was deadly calm. I looked like a douche with a fedora hat and a sunglass in the cold climate. I heard the playful laughter of children running towards me to vicinity from the fog covered boardwalk. Yes. Signs of life at last. I strolled along the long boardwalk that covered the entire Long Beach which was cold, spooky and hidden completely in fog. I needed that type of climate after walking in the scorching sun for the past few days. 

The Long Beach train station was calm yet creepy unlike the busy ones in India. I looked at my watch and the billboard which both agreed that the train will depart to New York in a few minutes. I went towards the platform to have a look at the docked coaches. Trains always fascinated me since childhood. I turned to see a young woman reading a book under the canopy of fog and surrounded by trains. She wore a hand-embroidered yellow sweater with interesting sewing designs. With her blonde hair neatly tucked away from blocking the angelic view of her face, she was setting my demons on fire for sure. Her presence was tethering me to a stunning reality which was otherwise engulfed in melancholic ambiance at the train station. It felt as though my hot breath turned into icicles in front of her. Before I could get gather the courage to talk to her, it was already time to board the train. I blamed my behavior to pay keen attention to intricate details of her face when I should have spoken to her in the first place. 

I entered the last coach as it would be easy to get off at the Penn Station. She was already there. "What have I walked into?", I thought. I couldn't help but listen to the conversation between her and the train conductor who seemed like a cheerful guy. I was helplessly looking for seats standing between them. 

"Are you seeing someone right now?", the guy asked her. Bloody hell that was my line. 

"No, I'm kinda getting to know someone. I'm half-french and 30 years old.", she spoke and her eyes seemed to repeat whatever she said. Well, she looked the part for half-french but never 30. I was convinced she was definitely lying. May be she wasn't. 

'You took the bullet that I dodged buddy. I'm sorry', I thought. The conductor's face lost all it's charm and the cheerful grin was never to be seen again. I put my fedora hat on my face and I snoozed off to glory. 

The Mind Boggles:

Midtown Manhattan, New York.
May 30, 2016

This place, Times Square, sure to bring a smile every time I stepped foot into it, was glistening cos of the hot sun. The temperature spiked up that day with no signs of occasional light rain and with tourists pouring in every second. I was on my way to the New York Public Library to spend some quality time with the books, accounts of early writing, preserved manuscripts of authors like Charles Dickens. This was going to be my second visit as I felt I could have stayed a little longer the first time. First time was just see and move on. 

The NYPL is located at the 5th Avenue at 42nd street adjacent to the most lively and beautiful public parks. Developed in 1920, later redesigned in 1935, Bryant Park stands out as one of the most loved hangout spots in midtown Manhattan. Wedged in between the Ave of the Americas and the Public Library, the park offers 360 degree view of the skyscrapers, places to relax, the ironical open reading rooms, chess, ping pong spots, exotic grills and bagel joints. During this trip, this was easily one of my go-to spots to unwind. 

I made up my mind that the library affair was just a fleeting moment. I did not see that coming. It hit from nowhere that I should take a train to Long Beach, one of east coast's isolated and breathtaking beaches. The spontaneous and the most exciting plan I ever made in NY, I thought.

In a sudden caprice, I started walking the other way towards Pennsylvania station. The return flight was due in 20 hours back at the Newark which meant I had a few hours to kill. I had already packed my stuff and gave them away to the concierge. No dead-weight. No worries. Just the open road. 

The Retrospection of Independence:

Washington D.C.
May 28, 2016.  

My folks wanted to visit Washington D.C. before they flew back to India. Of course, I hopped in for the plan and cos of zero opportunities to deny. I was rather tad concerned and least excited to see all the political scenes there. So I'm gonna run the spinning wheel, fast forwarding to my solo travel adventures, giving you a glimpse of this place.

To start of with, this was a guided bus tour with an annoying tour guide. With all the smooching between a 70-ish year old man and his love affair who looked like his daughter, I was pretty upset about how this mini-trip turned out to be. Forgive me for being judgmental. The scorching heat created fumes in my head and really took a toll on me. I shoved in my headphones, the only appropriate response that I usually use to counter  the monumental bullcrap around me. 

I dwelled in the jetstream of my past choices, as I closed my eyes wishing that I should be teleported back to NY. One of my recent ex-girlfriends hit me with an astonishing yet deceitful truth about family. She said, "When we're away from family, all we do is miss them. But when we're with them, we don't seem to care and we can't wait to run". Moment of Truth. All I was able to do was blame the crevices in the generations, past and present. I am a masquerading mess in front of them unable to show my true nature. 

When I'm away, I am liberated to be my best self, transcend limits of my potential and thereby embrace my life. Truth be told, I miss them too. During moments of despair, like the ones that haunted me during my injury, I feel like running back to the world I know. To be in touch with things that are familiar and understanding. But is there any fun to tread upon known soil? 

Fancy or not, I like to live life on the edge, slumber on the jagged corners of the realm. But as a student with a lotta debt on my head, I can only hope and ponder. My soul won't settle until I have truly transcended my limits. Both physical and mental. The day I am relieved of my chain of responsibilities, I will start packing my suitcase with a grin, live off adventures and become the prodigy I am destined to become. Even with liabilities, I'm living the dream. But the plan always and always has been to take it up a notch. 

We were exhausted when we reached Manhattan and my family was getting prepared to leave the States. I had one more day, one precious day to enjoy my time there. I looked up places to visit and things to do in Long Beach, New York.  

Medley of Manhattan: 

Uptown and Downtown Manhattan, New York.
May 24 - May 28, 2016.

Following a standard set of tour itinerary, my uncle family decided to visit all the tourist attractions. I've been with his twin kids since they stepped foot in this world as I watched them grow up one second at a time. I still remember the day these two leapt and ran all the way from their mother's clasp to my arms when I was residing in the hostel. Like the rebel that I am, nothing in this world seem to control them. Sometimes they remind me how I should go on about life and you can imagine how fun it is to travel with them. 

For a few days, I was enjoying my family time while my pensive, solo-travelling, all-adventuring personality remained untapped. It was a certain other worldly experience. 

Some of the activities worth doing were the memorable Sunset Cruise along the Hudson river, Interped warship museum, Central Park, Hell's Kitchen, New York Public Library, Grand Central Station, Empire State Building and the spectacular One World Observatory. I needed more time for some of these places and I thought one lifetime wasn't gonna be enough.

Most of the days, we survived on Starbucks frappuccino, croissants and energy bars. Dinners were grand at Saravana Bhavan. 

Take a moment of pause here. We actually once took a limousine to Saravana Bhavan just for the heck of it. My family is learning spontaneity. It seemed ridiculous that my bucket list was being checked off in the most random events.  

Completing the Big Bus uptown and downtown tours, my family decided to see the White House, Washington D.C in a one day bus trip. 

It was Day-3 when there was a timelapse of past events that flashed in front of me along the streets that housed the New Yorker hotel. 
A New Dusk Fades:

Back Home, Florida. 
May 30, 2016 - July 25, 2017.

I had a pint of beer at the legendary Hard Rock Cafe at the Times Square before I left to Newark for the flight. Worthy of a satisfying end to the trip, the place had the artifacts of the 
few of renowned modern day musicians. I leapt in joy when I saw the broken guitar of Linkin Park. Under the rainbow colored neon lights, I serenaded myself to glory with a strong brew of Shock Top. 

The return flight was literally empty. So we were asked to scatter and sit. I slept like a log taking all the three seats. 

Oh and did I mention? I got a summer internship offer from my university at the department of executive education. I was their Marketing and Web Developer Intern. Pretty dynamic and fun team. One day, the entire workforce came out of the office, cheered the two of us up for a Pokemon Go battle as we were trying to beat the living shit of the campus gym defenders. They called us Ani & Ami. I guess you can imagine the rest. My kinda work, my kinda people. All work and all play.  

July 27, 2017.

I woke up to the sound of thunder striking, unable to go back to bed. A new bed to sleep under a new roof. I moved in temporarily with Mohan.  I shifted my posture to see if I can get some sleep. It was going to be a busy day after all. To no avail. The ripples of these times were giving me a hard time unable sleep it all off. 

I quit my job the very same morning to focus on other academic stuff and the second year of job hunt. 

At this time, I am not very cautious in making changes to my life. God knows I try harder. Before I piece it all together and fight this war, I thought I needed all the help that I could get, from friends and family alike. I have a strange feeling history will not repeat itself this year. Cos the same time has brought back to me the friends I thought I had long lost the pleasure of being with. 

Me, Loki and Nive are here in the US. My Infosys friends from a past life. I met Nive recently when she made a surprise visit to my city. The hug we had, brought back years of memory. Loki is on his way to become my roomie. I couldn't ask for more.  

It's been a year since we all moved to the US and still haven't got a single clue how time flies. Look where we are now. Flip through the pages of that album that will show you the faces of people who came into our lives, who stayed that way and people who left. Count the raindrops on your window that will reflect the memories you made. When things are said and done, memories are all but remains of the times that drifted away from our hands like sand. If you are reading this, consider this a thank you note from me for being there as a part of this incredible journey.

And for New York. A majestic land of dreams that set my heart on fire and opened the gates for humble beginnings, new pathways, old mistakes, tiny pockets of happiness, larger than life hearts and trying times. 

I could still hear the distant saxophone and the brooding guitar from the streets. New York, I Love You.

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