Thursday, February 6, 2014

Bloody but Unbowed

I recollect that I was battle-hungry to keep my ever working devil's workshop busy. Tried to fit into this slow paced living. Oh man! It's just so boring to be ordinary. I prayed to Life every day to cut me some slack. I was like this dude who flips the cigarette lighter so fast outta anger, frustration and boredom. Channelizing the adrenaline rush towards something is the only way to put this rage at rest. 

There was this thought that simultaneously surfaced into my head which later began to stir up my consciousness. People my age have already achieved or at least started to attempt and there's me trying to do countless trivial pursuits. These people, they are shaping the world and I am sitting in front of a dumb computer to do a job even a 10 yr old can effortlessly accomplish. I felt so obsolete and it bothered me. 

I also realized that clock's ticking. Before I know I would eventually move around the house with a crutch.  I couldn't stand the thought that it'll be over. I mean death is inevitable. I hate to think that I would simply pass out with regrets.   

There's not a second to waste. Imagine what we would all do if all we've got is one day. Would we not race to accomplish the things that we wanted to achieve in a day?  Why not live each day like your last?  Why not do all the things in the world?    

With so much energy within, the young blood begins to boil right from the moment it leaves the heart. Also to mention, I was becoming a total metal head. Needless to say, it was adding fuel to the fire. I started to lay out the goals that I have long been trying to complete. I tapped into all the data feeds that were buried in my brain long enough to become dormant. I became very methodical even while working. Taking a very boring yet important task at work that almost anyone can do and converting it into something interesting and simple gave me the necessary boost. You always start small but eventually you'll learn to adapt and keep up with the rate at which what you're doing is growing. All of a sudden you'll feel futile to do new things as human body are meant to resist change. But the most important and toughest part is to start! You'll find the long forgotten form in time.  

The goals are beginning to take shape. It's hurting, exhausting and depressing in the process, which means it's good. Because you know you're going through something new! Phew! Calling it goal seems tired and mundane. I call it living 8)            


  1. Osum ��...i never tot there's a writer n u.... Proud of ya brotha.... This s one writer..who talks d talk n walks d walk...������
